Cost of Business Survey 2024

Purpose of the Survey

The questions have been structured such that it allows for industry aggregation and trend analysis. The survey has been simplified as much as possible and should take approximately 15 - 20 minutes to complete. The request is for best estimates, not precise dollar figures. MTAA recognises this information is highly confidentialAll information provided will be treated as completely confidential. Only aggregated and de-identified results will be shared back with participants and in MTAA communications. The deadline for survey completion is 4th December COB.

Who should complete the survey?

It is suggested that the company’s financial team responsible for the Australian market completes this survey.

Survey timeframes

To help MTAA account for a realistic magnitude of change, including any post-COVID impacts, the survey requests information for Australian financial years (1 Jul- 30 June) between 2018-19 and 2023-24. It also seeks to normalise changes in revenue to make it more robust.

What happens if you don't report under the Australian Financial Year?

Members might report their financial data using different timeframes, such as 1 April – 31 March or a calendar year. In such cases please extract data from multiple internal reporting years to cover the respective Australian financial years. For example, if your company reports 1 April - 31 March, please provide the relevant data from 1 July – 31 March combined with 1 April - 30 June in the subsequent internal reporting year to provide Australian financial year data. Specific cost data should be the best estimate in $AUD to the nearest $100,000 for the Australian financial year.

Estimated time to completion: 15 - 20 minutes

1. Download the Excel Spreadsheet

Recommend downloading the Excel spreadsheet using the link below, save the file on your computer and open it in Excel. Do not open and edit in your browser.

Click the link below to download: