National E-Health Transition Authority
The National E-Health Transition Authority Limited (NEHTA) was established by the Australian, state and territory governments to develop better ways of electronically collecting and securely exchanging health information.
Australia's Federal, State and Territory health departments have agreed to purchase their public health supplies using the National Product Catalogue (NPC). The NPC will allow public health institutions in all States and Territories to obtain essential information about the medicines, medical devices and healthcare products they use from one electronic source.
- NEHTA Supply chain information – NPC and eProcurement
- NEHTA Communique - Purchasers to Suppliers on e-Procurement
- NEHTA Case Studies – Terumo, Cook, NSW Health, WA Health (March 2014)
- NEHTA Data Crunch Report – Quantifying the benefits of e-Procurement (March 2014)
- NEHTA Healthcare Product Purchasers’ Intention Statement (June 2014)
The NPC is hosted on GS1net. For information on how to populate the NPC follow this link.
Contact: Tania Snioch, Industry Manager - Healthcare, GS1 Australia
Unit 100, 45 Gilby Road, Mt Waverley VIC 3149
P: (03) 9550 3474, M: 0411 477 179, F: (03) 9558 9551, National: 1300 366 033, www.gs1au.org
UDI - Unique Device Identification
The United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Commission and other regulators have made patient safety a strategic priority by developing legislation for the introduction of Unique Device Identification (UDI). UDI is used to mark, identify and provide data about medical devices in the healthcare supply chain. In September 2013 the US FDA released a UDI rule for all medical devices in the US market, with the first deadline for Class 3 devices in September 2014. To view the presentation provided by GS1 on 8 July 2014 please follow this link.
hTrak is a point of use data capture solution for the healthcare environment. Using the latest handheld mobile scanning technology, hTrak decodes industry standard barcodes to accurately identify devices used in these environments. When combined with other data elements, hTrak enables accurate identification of the elements of a procedure and the associated costs.
NSW Health is implementing the use of hTrak for theatre supplies in a number of hospitals. Some hospitals have been asking suppliers to populate their data to hTrak. If suppliers have already published their data to the National Product Catalogue (NPC) it should be available for download to hTrak through the NSW Health catalogue (see NSW Health letter). If suppliers have not published their data to NPC they should start as it will be a mandatory requirement for contracts.
Bizcaps MCIS is an easily-configured tool that enables buyers and distributors in any industry to synchronise their existing systems with product, pricing and supply chain information from suppliers, published to them through datapools such as GS1net and the NPC, or delivered directly via electronic forms or spreadsheets. MCIS is currently used by organisations such as the NSW Health Department, ACT Health, Health Purchasing Victoria, and Healthscope. For more information see http://www.bizcaps.com/index.php/software/mcis
Federated Healthcare Exchange (FHX)
FHX provides open, shared-service infrastructure that simplifies healthcare eTtrading among buyers and sellers or their hubs, and assists compliance with the latest national eProcurement specifications developed by NEHTA for their federated hub model. For more information on FHX please see this presentation to MTAA Commercial Issues Forum.
NPC Data Classification - UNSPSC & GPC
UNSPSC classification code is a mandatory field in the National Product Catalogue and may also be useful for business analysis. BvW Global can classify your generic products and services to UNSPSC and GPC worldwide accepted standards, and also provides consulting services for procurement management.
Contact: Christophe Barriere-Varju, BvW Global Pty Ltd
E: info@bvwglobal.com, M: 0403 444 101