Showcase the Value of MedTech in Palliative Care

Over 1000 delegates from across the palliative care, aged care and disability care sectors will gather at the International Convention Centre in Sydney from 13 – 15 September for the 2023 Oceanic Palliative Care Conference. With the demand for palliative care set to double over the next 20 – 30 years, now is the time for the palliative care sector to look at how medical technology can support the work they do.

We are creating an exciting space at the conference for you to engage with the sector and help it rise to the challenges of the future. Med Tech Alley is a designated section of the conference trade exhibition that will be designed to showcase the latest in medical technology and innovation. We have put together a special package for med tech companies who want to be a part of this space, but it is only available until the end of July.

For $4,500 excl. GST, you receive a 3m x 3m conference booth with one conference registration (reduced from $5,500 excl. GST). You will have access to leaders in the palliative care space, including heads of major aged care providers, disability care providers, clinical practitioners, researchers, nursing unit managers and others.

Bring your products to demonstrate the value of medtech to the palliative care sector and build your relationships with this growing and vital part of the healthcare sector.

To book your space or for more information contact the team at Palliative Care Australia before 31 July.

Camilla Rowland – CEO: 0409 987 160

Gretchen Irvine – National Business Development and Events Manager: 0407 497 303