Deloitte report - the value of accessing ophthalmic devices through the Prostheses List
Deloitte Access Economics was commissioned by the Medical Technology Association of Australia to estimate the benefits from accessing ophthalmic devices through the Prostheses List.
In 2017-18, 1.9 million Australians were living with cataract, of whom 110,000 had visual impairment due to cataract. The value of the prostheses list to patients and government was explored by analysing the costs of cataract in Australia using the cost of illness methodology.
Overall, the total financial costs associated with cataract were estimated to be $1.1 billion ($4,430 per surgery) or $2.4 billion including the loss of wellbeing ($9,465 per surgery). The value of timely treatment - the difference in waiting times between the private and public sectors (69 days) - reduced financial and wellbeing costs by an estimated $205.3 million through reducing the number of days lived with untreated cataract.
Download the report below.