

Telehealth technologies to manage healthcare in the home

Assistive technologies
  • Ambient assisted living
  • Smart homes
  • Smart phone medical apps
Emergency care
  • Alarms/alerts
Vital signs monitoring
  • Pulse oximeters
  • Spirometers
  • Heart rate monitors
  • Sphygmanometers
  • Peak flow meters
  • Drug delivery/infusion pumps
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Home haemodialysis monitors
  • Smart incontinence management
  • Sleep apnea management
Implantable medical devices 
with remote monitoring capabilities 
  • Cardiac devices
  • Continuous glucose monitors
  • Cochlear implants


Clinical benefits associated with telehealth

A PubMed search of telehealth brings up over 15,000 articles.  Examples of the clinical benefits associated with telehealth and remote monitoring are numerous; a small number are listed below.

  • A 45% reduction in mortality rates and a 20% reduction in emergency room (ER) admissions in the UK Total Systems Demonstrator Trial, the largest randomised control trial of telehealth in the world (n=6,191 patients and 238 General Practitioner (GP) practices)  
  • A 71% reduction in emergency room admissions in respiratory patients who had oxygen saturation monitored daily 
  • A 25% reduction in numbers of bed days of care and a 19% reduction in hospital admissions in 17,025 veterans with chronic disease who were enrolled in a home telehealth program 
  • A 43% reduction in hospitalisations in cardiac patients who transmitted daily electrocardiogram and blood pressure data 
  • A 50% reduction in mortality in a large sample (n=69,556) of patients with implantable cardiac devices who were remotely monitored .