APACMed/MTAA Health Data Summit

9:00am Tuesday, 30 July 2024
3:30pm Tuesday, 30 July 2024
Realm Hotel
18 National Circuit, Barton
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2600


The future of healthcare will be anchored by insights and outcomes derived from health data and there are significant opportunities for a healthcare ecosystem that is increasingly connected. Health data is needed to achieve a more sustainable, efficient and equitable ecosystem which is a priority for governments in APAC. Robust interoperability and cybersecurity frameworks are needed to enable greater access to health data which is currently fragmented and resides with different stakeholders (governments, hospitals, medtech and software companies, patients).

Australia’s healthcare system has a good track record of developing and adopting digital health technologies to improve healthcare delivery. The digitalisation of healthcare is also rapidly increasing the volume of available data but that adds to the complexity of data ownership with corresponding challenges in interoperability standards and cybersecurity regulations. There are opportunities to leverage health data and enable data sharing to derive patient insights, allowing the government to manage population health and support innovation by industry.

We propose a closed-door workshop with policymakers to share the value of health data and discuss the current health data governance challenges and explore how government and industry can collaborate to harness health data and unlock the full benefits for patients in Australia.

Target Audience

max. 40 pax from:

  • Government representatives (Australia Digital Health Agency / DOH / DHCRC / CSIRO / AIDH)
  • Medtech industry (APACMed, MTAA, members)
  • Hospital representatives
  • Patient associations


  • Date: 30 July 2024
  • Time: 09:00-15:30 AEST
  • Trade Association partner: MTAA
  • Knowledge partner: KPMG
  • Format: in-person workshop in Canberra, Australia
  • Venue: Realm Hotel

Additional Information

Invite-only: guests must be invited by MTAA.

Contact: For all event queries, please contact MTAA at events@mtaa.org.au and 02 9900 0600.