This website sections outlines the findings of the Value of Technology (VOT) Project on Home Dialysis, which reviews the evidence on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of home dialysis compared to other dialysis options, and the current funding access for home dialysis in Australia.
The study aims to review the current Federal and States/Territories funding models and determine whether there is equitable access for patients that require and/or prefer home dialysis as their treatment option.
The main objectives of the project are:
- review the clinical and economic burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD), particularly end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), and kidney transplantation in Australia
- review current evidence on the costs and benefits of home dialysis
- review current Federal and States/Territories funding models for home dialysis
- recommend a funding model that is feasible, cost effective, and provides equitable access to clinical care for patients that require home dialysis.
The outcome of this research will support advocacy for funding of and support for home dialysis. The study will also build on the body of work of Kidney Health Australia (KHA).