Seeking Member Input into International Standards Development Program

Click here to view ISO TC 331 Biodiversity Project Proposal.


Standards Australia has received the attached project proposal for International Participation on ISO/TC 331 Biodiversity.

Key criteria to be assessed: 

  1. The identification of the need for the work, and issue(s) for which the development of a new, revised or amended Australian Standard is the answer.
  2. The scope and summary of the specific intent of the proposed changes to address the issue(s).
  3. The "net benefit" case covering Public Safety, Social and Community interests, the Environment, Economic impacts of the changes and any Competitive impacts provided.

What do we need from you?

Standards Australia is seeking broad stakeholder feedback on the proposal. You have been identified as a stakeholder who may be interested in this proposal based on the committees you or your organisation participate on or the work you undertake.

Please review the proposal and respond to via email, indicating whether you support (or don’t) the proposal by COB Friday, 28 July 2023.

Where to next?

Project proposals are now assessed on a monthly basis by Standards Australia’s Production Management Group (PMG). The proposal requirements will remain unchanged. This means that the attached proposal, if it meets all the quality criteria, could be submitted for review in the next month’s PMG meeting. 

If the project is approved, we will most likely be constituting a new committee to undertake the work. If you would like to participate on the committee, please indicate this in your response.


If you have any questions about the proposal or the consultation process, please contact Patrick Kennedy.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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22 Oct
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