Digital Health Advisory Group

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The Digital Health Advisory Group, with the support of the Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA) has come together to advocate for an information and communications technology (ICT) enabled health system for Australia. The Advisory Group's vision is – “a healthcare system enabled by technology” with a purpose “to drive the implementation of an ICT enabled service delivery framework for a healthier Australia.”

The purpose of the Digital Health Advisory Group is to drive the implementation of an ICT-enabled service delivery framework for a healthier Australia.

The mission of the Digital Health Advisory Group is “Through advocacy, we will influence new models of healthcare, facilitated by technology-enabled services. We will engage with key decision makers, stakeholders and peak bodies to help establish the foundations for service delivery improvements.”

The Digital Health Advisory Group membership includes representation from the broadest spectrum of the healthcare ecosystem in Australia. Members come from health and community care, the medical device industry, peak bodies, research institutes, associations and advocacy groups. This diversity of representation has enabled the Digital Health Advisory Group to work together, objectively with a common purpose by drawing from a vast array of experience and expertise. Over the last several months the Group has focused on developing communications and forums such as these to bring to light the wider scale opportunities that are possible in the delivery of alternative models of care towards a healthier Australia.

The Digital Health Advisory Group define Connected Healthcare as follows:

Connected Healthcare is the distribution of health services and information online, via information and communication technologies. It provides person-centred care, through virtual healthcare services and technology-enabled programs, delivered by organisations, medical and health professionals; and providers, focused on targeted healthcare programs, monitoring, prevention and education, for the individual and their healthcare professionals. It enables consumer-centred care, by providing remote access to healthcare services and healthcare professionals so that consumers receive care at the right time, in the right place. It also enables collaboration in the provision of that care among health professionals and with the consumer. Connected Healthcare includes the provision of health monitoring, health education and prevention programs. ICT-enabled healthcare, is about enhancing team-based care, collaboration and person-centred access.