New logo demonstrates MedTech industry’s commitment to ethical standards of conduct
New logo demonstrates MedTech industry’s commitment to ethical standards of conduct
A new Medical Technology Industry Code of Practice Logo is the centrepiece of an awareness campaign launched by MTAA to reinforce its members’ commitment to the highest ethical standards of conduct.
MedTech companies eligible to display the logo are committed to upholding the standards contained in the Code, including restrictions on hospitality and sponsored travel offered to healthcare professionals. MTAA Chief Executive Susi Tegen describes the logo as “symbolising ethical interactions between industry and the health profession, helping ensure that clinical decisions are made only with the best interest of the patient in mind”.
The Medical Technology Industry Code of Practice, developed by the MedTech industry and allied stakeholders and administered by MTAA, is currently in its ninth edition. It formalises ethical business practices for member companies and promotes socially responsible conduct by the industry. MTAA is unique among other industry bodies in the MedTech sector by proactively monitoring the compliance of the membership’s activities and promotions. In 2015, 2251 employees completed the online selfpaced module ‘Introduction to the Code of Practice’, a significant increase on 1210 registrations in 2014.
“Companies join the MTAA due to our Code of Practice. It demonstrates to the community, the medical profession, Government, and purchasers that the companies are serious about ethics” said Ms Tegen.
Companies are strongly encouraged to display the logo as a means of increasing awareness of the Code and strengthening public confidence in the integrity of the industry. The logo may be displayed on print and electronic materials, including letterhead, website, email signatures, promotional material, business cards, and conference banners and signs.
Companies wishing to use the logo must take steps to comply with the Code including training of key staff who interact with healthcare professionals. This ensures a common commitment to high standards and a level playing field across the industry.