MTAA Budget summary 2016/17
- 30 Apr 2016
- Submissions
MTAA CEO Susi Tegen has welcomed tonight’s budget that there will be no changes to the Prostheses List as a “win for patients”.
“The Medical Technology Association of Australia congratulates the Government and the Minister for Health in the budget announcement made tonight to commit to ongoing reform via an expanded Prostheses List Advisory Committee (PLAC) supported by extra resourcing."
“Despite some self-interested calls by some stakeholders in the healthcare industry the Minister has carefully considered all the facts to reach a considered decision rather than respond to the misleading claims of some. We appreciate her commitment to this process."
“Ultimately it is patients who win from tonight’s announcement which will ensure that patients and their doctors decide what medical device they should get, free of health insurance fund interference."
The Government has also announced a pathway forward to ensure lasting reform can be achieved in a considered and well thought out way. MTAA welcomes the Government commitment to ensure transparency in regards to future Prostheses List pricing.
“The MTAA fully supports reform that sees patients come first where transparency is at the centre of future reform."
“What is required is reform based upon facts and not fiction and the Government has recognised this in its announcement tonight and are to be congratulated."
“The MTAA looks forward to working constructively and diligently with the Minister and the Government to get the best outcome for patients possible."
The Federal Government Industry Working Group, set up to consider reforms to private health insurance, chaired by Professor Lloyd Sansom has made considerable progress, considering the short time frame and complex policy issues that have been at stake. We congratulate Professor Sansom on his commitment to this process.
“It is time for all stakeholders to embrace the opportunity to achieve lasting reform, that can benefit all stakeholders, rather than just push narrow commercial interests."
Medical technology industry statistics:
• Private health insurance premium increases have been more than 6% per annum, or 35% since 2010.
• Growth in the average benefit paid per item on the Prostheses List between 2010 and 2015 was zero.
• Prostheses benefits represent only 14% of hospital treatment outlays, compared to 16% for medical benefits and 70% for hospital accommodation benefits