The MTAA Value-Based Procurement Forum

Date: Thursday, July 15: Conference Day

Venue: Karstens Conferencing, 111 Harrington Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Registrations will open soon. Contact Dr Merrilyn Clancy to learn more about this event. Contact Lorraine Hendry for sponsorship opportunities.

About the Value-Based Procurement Forum

Every state and territory, and private hospital system has some form of procurement of medical devices in place. But how do we know that those processes are delivering value for patients and the system, rather than just the lowest cost?

There has been a lot of discussion about value-based healthcare in Australia and around the world, but how can this be applied to the purchasing and utilisation of medical devices in hospital systems so that healthcare and benefits for patients are optimised? These and many other questions will be discussed at the upcoming Value-Based Procurement Forum, hosted in Sydney.

Key sessions: TICK

T – Transform – discover what’s needed to drive value

I  - Implement – understand challenges in implementation

C – Culture – learn how to influence culture change from low prices to value

K - Kick-off – find out how to get started

Confirmed Speakers

Richard Charter – Alira Health

Gabriella Prada – Leader of the Council for Innovation Procurement in Health Care, Senior Director of Global Health Systems Policy, Medtronic Canada

Experts in Procurement from the Australian Hospitals and Healthcare Association


Program is subject to changes.

07:30 – 9:00 (AEST)

Meet and Greet Breakfast

Coffee and conversation with Value-Based Procurement (VPB) experts, MTAA members and the MTAA policy members who share an interest in getting better value in health through procurement processes. 

09:00 - 10:30


VBP is a journey, not a sprint. It’s about putting the patient at the centre of quality affordable healthcare through changes in procurement practices for medical technologies. Patient outcomes drive value and sustainability, not just price. The bigger picture indicates that VBP will create system cost saving through benefitting patients, rather than trying to attain the reverse – a win-win outcome.

Transforming from our price-based sourcing model to a value-based approach requires the sharing of goals and collaborative effort from all stakeholders – doctors, patients, procurement professionals, payers and MedTech professionals. Join in to learn from experts who have already implemented VBP approaches in Australia and in other countries.

10:30 - 11:00

Morning Tea

11:00 – 12:30


VBP requires alignment of procurement stakeholders towards a common goal that traditionally has had opposing objectives.  It’s everyone’s goal to receive best practice in healthcare, and contribute to sustainability. 

Implementation will mean moving away from siloed ways of working. Implementation will mean working together as one - from the outset – to drive value.  Competitive dialogue can be used in place of negotiation, whereby different solutions to a problem are explored at the start of the tender process. Learn how this brings procurement, clinicians and MedTech professionals together, to discuss approaches that demonstrate value. 

12:30 – 14:00

Networking Lunch

14:00 – 15:30

CULTURE Session: Got change for a paradigm?

Transforming to a VBP model means a shift in culture to health outcomes that matter to patients and health professionals: experiences of receiving and providing care, care effectiveness and efficiency, long-term sustainability from savings. Learn how to identify enablers in healthcare leadership, research, clinical practice, procurement, and patient groups for this paradigm shift.



15:30 – 16:30

KICK-OFF SESSION - How do you eat an elephant?  

Celebrate the activity, not the outcome. Join in discussions on how to start with one bite at a time, towards our value-based procurement future.  Learn about ways to create practical breakthroughs. Instead of selling a product, how do I shift to selling a solution?

16:30 – 17:00

Forum Summary

Conference Convenor: Dr Merrilyn Clancy

Senior Policy Officer, MTAA

Call or contact Dr Clancy on 0456 169 800 or for more information.


MTAA Team:  Lorraine Hendry, Louie Radburnd, Peter Tustin

Endorsed by: Industry Policy Committee, MTAA

Conference curated by MTAA members and VBP experts