Summary of Supply Chain Roundtable - Friday 26 March

Summary of Supply Chain Roundtable - Friday 26 March

The meeting provided a great opportunity to share and receive information on ports and freight disruptions that have been a persistent issue throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We had a range of policy experts, port managers and industry representatives on the call, with presentations (attached) from:

  • Marika Calfas, CEO, NSW Ports; 
  • Susie Harwood, Executive Director of Freight, Transport for NSW; 
  • My Therese Blank, Head of Oceanic Exports, Maersk; and 
  • Leon Strydom, Manager of Port Services, Flinders Ports. 

The presentations provided insight into the drivers of congestion at ports and also how industry and government are working to implement policies to improve port efficiencies.

Key outcomes from the meeting included:

  • Transport for NSW is working to improve port efficiencies and invited members to contribute. The reviews being undertaken are:
    • Ports and Maritime Administration Act (PAMA) and the related review of the Mandatory Standards which is part of the Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy (PBLIS) Review – This review is commencing in July 2021
    • Port Efficiency Strategy – early phases of this work is commencing in May 2021
    • Rail Productivity Strategy – early phases of this work is commencing in May 2021
  • If you are interested in contributing to the PAMA and PBLIS Review please contact Bianca Slack-Smith at the Port Efficiency Strategy or Rail Productivity Strategy please contact Darren McNamara at
  • Members appreciated the different perspectives provided by the speakers. It was noted that ports remain an ongoing issue for the whole supply chain and we need to collaborate to reduce the impacts and find solutions on this complex issue.  
  • NSW Ports raised the use of empty containers reducing productivity at ports and would like to partner with industry on solutions. If you have any suggestions on this please provide your commentary back to the secretariat at and we will forward it on to NSW Ports.
  • It was agreed we will convene the next meeting on 30 April. The meeting will be a regular meeting that will include a 30-minute presentation by the Productivity Commission on its interim report into vulnerable supply chains. The report was released on Friday and can be found here: